Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Congratulations to our own Ghostbuster Stacie who on Saturday June 30th met Dan Aykroyd at a Crystal Head Signing in Amherst NY.
Stacie reports that Dan was super nice and gives hugs. Stacie says at first she was scared  and shaking so bad. But who wouldn't when you're meeting someone like Dan Aykroyd.  Dan came out and yelled "There's my Ghostbusters!"
  She  reports that he was excited to see his Ghostbusters and took photos with the group. She also met the Rochester and Buffalo Ghostbuster Franchises as well. From the sounds of it they all had a great time.
We look forward to working with them in the future.
In the future we hope to as a group to have the opportunity to meet Dan in person and see for ourselves how awesome he is and of course take lots of photos.

Stacie's Photos from Event  check them out by clicking Event Photos.

Here's a video from the event. And you can spot Stacie a few times in it. I hope this fame doesn't go to her head. Congrats Stacie!

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